Collection, processing and use of your data

You can visit my site without giving any personal information. I only save access data without personal reference such as the name of your Internet service provider, the page from which you are visiting me or the name of the requested file. These data are evaluated exclusively to improve my offer and do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your person.

Personal data is only collected if you voluntarily provide it to me when ordering goods, opening a customer account or registering for my newsletter. I use the data you have provided without your separate consent exclusively to fulfill and process your order. Once the contract has been fully processed and the purchase price has been paid in full, your data will be blocked for further use and deleted after the retention periods under tax and commercial law have expired, unless you have expressly consented to further use of your data. When you register for the newsletter, your email address will be used for our own advertising purposes with your consent, until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. The deregistration is possible at any time.

Use of cookies

I use cookies on various pages to make visiting my online shop attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. These are small text files that are stored on your computer. Most of the cookies I use are deleted from your hard drive at the end of the browser session (so-called session cookies).

Transfer of personal data

Your data will be passed on to the shipping company commissioned with the delivery, insofar as this is necessary for the delivery of the goods. In order to process payments, I will pass on your payment details to the bank commissioned with the payment.

Right of providing information

According to the law, you have the right to free information about your stored data and, if necessary, the right to correct, block or delete this data.

Contact person for data protection

If you have any questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data, information, correction, blocking or deletion of data or the revocation of consent, please contact:

Data security

During the ordering process, your personal data is encrypted and transmitted over the Internet using SSL. I use technical and organizational measures to secure my website and other systems against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons. Access to your customer account is only possible after entering your personal password. You should always treat your access information confidentially and close the browser window when you have finished communicating with me, especially if you share the computer with others.